Mira Tay

writer and trans Tatar decolonial activist
Mira Tay (he/him) is a first-year PhD student in the Social Structure, Institutions and Processes program at the European University at Saint Petersburg. His ongoing work offers a qualitative approach to the construction of knowledge about trans health among Russian healthcare professionals. His research interests center around transgender studies, decoloniality, feminist epistemologies, sociology of health and family. He received his MA in Sociology from the Higher School Of Economics in Russia.

As an activist, he has participated in a various queer and feminist campaigns since 2013. He was a member of the feminist organization "Восьмая Инициативная группа" ("Eighth initiative group"). Nowadays, he considers himself as a part of the modern decolonial movement of indigenous to modern Russia territories peoples. As a member of the movement, he opposes Russian imperialism and condemns colonial invasion of Ukraine, as well as occupation of North Caucasus, Georgia and Moldova.

He is a guest lecturer in Introduction to Trans Studies at the independent educational project "Алфавит феминистской теории" ("Feminist theory alphabet") by FEMTALKS.

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Book chapters
Тай М. Пересечения угнетений и привилегии: интерсекциональный подход // В кн.:
Социальная тревога и фобия / Под ред. О. Размахова. Москва: АСТ. 2019. С. 98-

Other publications
Тай М., Маркова Я. Место политической борьбы: трансгендерность в практике и
теории феминизма // She is Expert. 2020

Тай М. Феминизм и конфеты: что мы отпраздновали и зачем? // Открытые. 2019

Тай М. Спорная территория // Сборник историй «Тело есть у всех». СПб.: Выход. 2018
Media appearances
For this project, commissioned especially by The Calvert Journal, photographer and body-positive activist Miliyollie met with feminists from across Russia engaged in all forms of activist work: from vlogging and organising charity parties, to lobbying for legislation in parliament and leading crisis centres.
For non-binary trans activist and sociologist Mira Tay, news of the bill felt like the last straw. “When I read about it, I felt that all that was left to do was lie down and die -- I just had no energy left to fight. But that wasn't an option, so I eventually got up and started planning our next steps with other activists,” he says.
A new exhibition, Russian Queer Revolution, curated by writer and regular SHOWstudio contributor Anastasiia Fedorova, aims to dispel the notion that Russian queer experience consists only of pain. 
Как мы отличаем простуду от гриппа, а грипп от ковида? Почему люди ходят на работу с температурой, и при чем тут наши представления о последствиях переохлаждения? Социолог Мира Тай рассуждает о мифологии ОРВИ в контексте пандемии коронавируса
Исследовательница Дарья Юрийчук запустила новый проект — Волшебный Институт Феминистских Исследований. Социолог Мира Тай поговорил с Дарьей о ее проекте, отношениях с академией и художественным сообществом, и о том, почему феминистские исследования можно назвать магией.

В рамках проекта помощи социально ответственному и этичному бизнесу «карантин кончится» и специально для moloko plus Мира Тай побеседовал с Ритой о развитии инициативы, о феминистской составляющей проекта и о том, как маленькое независимое дело выживает в пандемию.
E-mail: tai.smoke@gmail.com
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